Style props are a way to alter the style of a component by simply passing props to it. It helps to save time by providing helpful shorthand ways to style components.
Design System
Some props are mapped to our styling guide, instead of being traditional css props.
Prop | Description | Value |
level | Perceived depth on UI (Cards or Shaded areas) | -2 ... 3 |
borderWidth | Width on borders | normal , thick |
borderStyle | Border style | solid , dashed |
Margin and padding
<Box m={2}>One</Box><Box maxW="960px" mx="auto">Two</Box>content_copyCopy
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Key |
m, margin | margin | space |
mt, marginTop | margin-top | space |
mr, marginRight | margin-right | space |
me, marginEnd | margin-inline-end | space |
mb, marginBottom | margin-bottom | space |
ml, marginLeft | margin-left | space |
ms, marginStart | margin-inline-start | space |
mx | margin-inline-start + margin-inline-end | space |
my | margin-top + margin-bottom | space |
p, padding | padding | space |
pt, paddingTop | padding-top | space |
pr, paddingRight | padding-right | space |
pe, paddingEnd | padding-inline-end | space |
pb, paddingBottom | padding-bottom | space |
pl, paddingLeft | padding-left | space |
ps, paddingStart | padding-inline-start | space |
px | padding-inline-start + padding-inline-end | space |
py | padding-top + padding-bottom | space |
props, we usemargin-inline-start
to ensure the generated styles are RTL-friendly
Color and background color
import { Box } from "@passfort/ui"// picks up a nested color value using dot notation// => \`theme.colors.gray[50]\`<Box color='gray.50' />// raw CSS color value<Box color='#f00' />// background colors<Box bg='tomato' />// verbose prop<Box backgroundColor='tomato' />content_copyCopy
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Key |
color | color | colors |
bg, background | background | colors |
bgColor | background-color | colors |
opacity | opacity | none |
// font-size of \`\`<Text fontSize="md" />// font-size \`32px\`<Text fontSize={32} />// font-size \`2em\`<Text fontSize='2em' />// text-align \`left\` on all viewports and \`center\` from the first breakpoint and up<Text textAlign={[ 'left', 'center' ]} />content_copyCopy
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Key |
fontFamily | font-family | fonts |
fontSize | font-size | fontSizes |
fontWeight | font-weight | fontWeights |
lineHeight | line-height | lineHeights |
letterSpacing | letter-spacing | letterSpacings |
textAlign | text-align | none |
fontStyle | font-style | none |
textTransform | text-transform | none |
textDecoration | text-decoration | none |
Layout, width and height
import { Box } from "@passfort/ui"// verbose<Box width="100%" height={32} />// shorthand<Box w="100%" h="32px" />// use theme sizing<Box boxSize="sm" />// width \`50%\`<Box w={1/2} />// width \`256px\`<Box w={256} />// width \`40px\`<Box w='40px' />content_copyCopy
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Key |
w, width | width | sizes |
h, height | height | sizes |
minW, minWidth | min-width | sizes |
maxW, maxWidth | max-width | sizes |
minH, minHeight | min-height | sizes |
maxH, maxHeight | max-height | sizes |
d, display | display | none |
boxSize | width, height | sizes |
verticalAlign | vertical-align | none |
overflow | overflow | none |
overflowX | overflowX | none |
overflowY | overflowY | none |
// verbose<Box display="flex" alignItems="center" justifyContent="space-between">Box with Flex props</Box>// shorthand using the \`Flex\` component<Flex align="center" justify="center">Flex Container</Flex>content_copyCopy
Note: Props in
will only work if you use theFlex
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Key |
alignItems, *align | align-items | none |
alignContent | align-content | none |
justifyItems | justify-items | none |
justifyContent, *justify | justify-content | none |
flexWrap, *wrap | flex-wrap | none |
flexDirection, flexDir, *direction | flex-direction | none |
flex | flex | none |
flexGrow | flex-grow | none |
flexShrink | flex-shrink | none |
flexBasis | flex-basis | none |
justifySelf | justify-self | none |
alignSelf | align-self | none |
order | order | none |
Grid Layout
// verbose<Box display="grid" gridGap={2} gridAutoFlow="row dense">Grid</Box>// shorthand using the \`Grid\` component<Grid gap={2} autoFlow="row dense">Grid</Grid>content_copyCopy
Note: Props in
will only work if you use theGrid
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Key |
gridGap, *gap | grid-gap | space |
gridRowGap, *rowGap | grid-row-gap | space |
gridColumnGap, *columnGap | grid-column-gap | space |
gridColumn, *column | grid-column | none |
gridRow, *row | grid-row | none |
gridArea, *area | grid-area | none |
gridAutoFlow, *autoFlow | grid-auto-flow | none |
gridAutoRows, *autoRows | grid-auto-rows | none |
gridAutoColumns, *autoColumns | grid-auto-columns | none |
gridTemplateRows, *templateRows | grid-template-rows | none |
gridTemplateColumns, *templateColumns | grid-template-columns | none |
gridTemplateAreas, *templateAreas | grid-template-areas | none |
// verbose<BoxbackgroundImage="url('/images/kyuubi.png')"backgroundPosition="center"backgroundRepeat="no-repeat"/>// shorthand<BoxbgImage="url('/images/gaara.png')"bgPosition="center"bgRepeat="no-repeat"/>content_copyCopy
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Key |
bg, background | background | none |
bgImage, backgroundImage | background-image | none |
bgSize, backgroundSize | background-size | none |
bgPosition, backgroundPosition | background-position | none |
bgRepeat, backgroundRepeat | background-repeat | none |
bgAttachment, backgroundAttachment | background-attachment | none |
<Box border="1px" borderColor="N200">Card</Box>content_copyCopy
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Field |
border | border | borders |
borderWidth | border-width | borderWidths |
borderStyle | border-style | borderStyles |
borderColor | border-color | colors |
borderTop | border-top | borders |
borderTopWidth | border-top-width | borderWidths |
borderTopStyle | border-top-style | borderStyles |
borderTopColor | border-top-color | colors |
borderRight | border-right | borders |
borderEnd | border-inline-end | borders |
borderRightWidth | border-right-width | borderWidths |
borderEndWidth | border-inline-end-width | borderWidths |
borderRightStyle | border-right-style | borderStyles |
borderEndStyle | border-inline-end-style | borderStyles |
borderRightColor | border-right-color | colors |
borderEndColor | border-inline-end-color | colors |
borderBottom | border-bottom | borders |
borderBottomWidth | border-bottom-width | borderWidths |
borderBottomStyle | border-bottom-style | borderStyles |
borderBottomColor | border-bottom-color | colors |
borderLeft | border-left | borders |
borderStart | border-inline-start | borders |
borderLeftWidth | border-left-width | borderWidths |
borderStartWidth | border-inline-start-width | borderWidths |
borderLeftStyle | border-left-style | borderStyles |
borderStartStyle | border-inline-start-style | borderStyles |
borderLeftColor | border-left-color | colors |
borderStartColor | border-inline-start-color | colors |
borderX | border-left, border-right | borders |
borderY | border-top, border-bottom | borders |
Border Radius
// This button will have no right borderRadius<Button borderRightRadius="0">Button 1</Button>// This button will have no left borderRadius<Button borderLeftRadius="0">Button 2</Button>// top left and top right radius will be \`\` => 4px<Button borderTopRadius="md">Button 2</Button>content_copyCopy
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Field |
borderRadius | border-radius | radii |
borderTopLeftRadius | border-top-left-radius | radii |
borderTopStartRadius | border-top-left-radius in LTR, border-top-right-radius in RTL | radii |
borderTopRightRadius | border-top-right-radius | radii |
borderTopEndRadius | border-top-right-radius in LTR, border-top-left-radius in RTL | radii |
borderBottomRightRadius | border-bottom-right-radius | radii |
borderBottomEndRadius | border-bottom-right-radius in LTR, border-bottom-left-radius in RTL | radii |
borderBottomLeftRadius | border-bottom-left-radius | radii |
borderBottomStartRadius | border-bottom-left-radius in LTR, border-bottom-left-radius in RTL | radii |
borderTopRadius | border-top-left-radius + border-top-right-radius | radii |
borderRightRadius | border-top-right-radius + border-bottom-right-radius | radii |
borderEndRadius | border-top-right-radius + border-bottom-right-radius | radii |
borderBottomRadius | border-bottom-left-radius + border-bottom-right-radius | radii |
borderLeftRadius | border-top-left-radius + border-bottom-left-radius | radii |
borderStartRadius | border-top-left-radius + border-bottom-left-radius | radii |
// verbose<Box position="absolute">Cover</Box>// shorthand<Box pos="absolute">Cover</Box><Box pos="absolute" top="0" left="0">Absolute with top and left</Box><Box pos="fixed" w="100%" zIndex={2}>Fixed with zIndex</Box>content_copyCopy
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Field |
pos,position | position | none |
zIndex | z-index | zIndices |
top | top | space |
right | right | space |
bottom | bottom | space |
left | left | space |
<SimpleGridbg="gray.50"columns={{ sm: 2, md: 4 }}spacing="8"p="10"textAlign="center"rounded="lg"color="gray.400"><Box boxShadow="xs" p="6" rounded="md" bg="N0">xs</Box><Box boxShadow="sm" p="6" rounded="md" bg="white">sm</Box><Box boxShadow="base" p="6" rounded="md" bg="N0">Base</Box><Box boxShadow="md" p="6" rounded="md" bg="white">md</Box><Box boxShadow="lg" p="6" rounded="md" bg="white">lg</Box><Box boxShadow="xl" p="6" rounded="md" bg="white">xl</Box><Box boxShadow="2xl" p="6" rounded="md" bg="white">2xl</Box><Box boxShadow="dark-lg" p="6" rounded="md" bg="white">Dark lg</Box><Box boxShadow="outline" p="6" rounded="md" bg="white">Outline</Box><Box boxShadow="inner" p="6" rounded="md" bg="white">Inner</Box></SimpleGrid>content_copyCopy
// :hover style<ButtoncolorScheme="teal"_hover={{background: "white",color: "teal.500",}}>Hover me</Button>// apply :hover over parent element<Boxrole="group"><Box_hover={{ fontWeight: 'semibold' }}_groupHover={{ color: 'tomato' }}></Box></Box>content_copyCopy
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Field |
_hover | :hover, [data-hover] | none |
_active | :active, [data-active] | none |
_focus | :focus, [data-focus] | none |
_highlighted | [data-highlighted] | none |
_focusWithin | :focus-within | none |
_focusVisible | :focus-visible | none |
_disabled | [disabled], [aria-disabled=true], [data-disabled] | none |
_readOnly | [aria-readonly=true], [readonly], [data-readonly] | none |
_before | ::before | none |
_after | ::after | none |
_empty | :empty | none |
_expanded | [aria-expanded=true], [data-expanded] | none |
_checked | [aria-checked=true], [data-checked] | none |
_grabbed | [aria-grabbed=true], [data-grabbed] | none |
_pressed | [aria-pressed=true], [data-pressed] | none |
_invalid | [aria-invalid=true], [data-invalid] | none |
_valid | [data-valid], [data-state=valid] | none |
_loading | [data-loading], [aria-busy=true] | none |
_selected | [aria-selected=true], [data-selected] | none |
_hidden | [hidden], [data-hidden] | none |
_autofill | :-webkit-autofill | none |
_even | :nth-of-type(even) | none |
_odd | :nth-of-type(odd) | none |
_first | :first-of-type | none |
_last | :last-of-type | none |
_notFirst | :not(:first-of-type) | none |
_notLast | :not(:last-of-type) | none |
_visited | :visited | none |
_activeLink | [aria-current=page] | none |
_activeStep | [aria-current=step] | none |
_indeterminate | :indeterminate, [aria-checked=mixed], [data-indeterminate] | none |
_groupHover | [role=group]:hover &, [role=group][data-hover] & | none |
_groupFocus | [role=group]:focus &, [role=group][data-focus] & | none |
_groupActive | [role=group]:active &, [role=group][data-active] & | none |
_groupDisabled | [role=group]:disabled &, [role=group][data-disabled] & | none |
_groupInvalid | [role=group][data-invalid] & | none |
_groupChecked | [role=group][data-checked] & | none |
_placeholder | ::placeholder | none |
_fullScreen | :fullscreen | none |
_selection | ::selection | none |
Other Props
Asides all the common style props listed above, all component will accept the following props:
Prop | CSS Property | Theme Field |
animation | animation | none |
appearance | appearance | none |
transform | transform | none |
transformOrigin | transform-origin | none |
visibility | visibility | none |
whiteSpace | white-space | none |
userSelect | user-select | none |
pointerEvents | pointer-events | none |
wordBreak | word-break | none |
overflowWrap | overflow-wrap | none |
textOverflow | text-overflow | none |
boxSizing | box-sizing | none |
cursor | cursor | none |
resize | resize | none |
transition | transition | none |
objectFit | object-fit | none |
objectPosition | object-position | none |
float | float | none |
fill | fill | colors |
stroke | stroke | colors |
outline | outline | none |
The as prop
The as
prop is a feature in all of our components that allows you to pass an
HTML tag or component to be rendered.
For example, say you are using a Button
component, and you need to make it a
link instead. You can compose a
and Button
like this:
live example
This allows you to use all of the Button
props and all of the a
without having to wrap the Button in an a